Are you struggling with seasonal change?

Are you struggling with seasonal change?

I still remember my first spring in the UK. It was March and I was a bit restless, expecting the weather to change for the better. It felt like my inner clock knew it was time for the season to change, but it was just not happening. I remember waiting the whole month...

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Six tips to overcoming procrastination

Six tips to overcoming procrastination

Do you start your day with a long to-do list and then feel you’ve failed because it’s never done? Maybe you struggle to even write a list because too many things are demanding your attention. I’ve been there. I would start my day writing a to-do list. But instead of...

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The real reasons why you procrastinate

The real reasons why you procrastinate

Recently, I joined other business owners at Hazel Weyman’s fantastic online brainstorming session for blogging. We were sharing insights on what people may be wanting to learn and read about during this challenging time. Interestingly, most of the questions that the...

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2 ways to be more thoughtful and less reactive

2 ways to be more thoughtful and less reactive

Someone once said: ”We are either reacting to life or creating life”.  Due to the current situation, as we spend a lot of time indoors, we may not have enough headspace to clear our thoughts. Consequently, we can become snappy, responding very quickly to certain...

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3 easy steps to building your self-confidence

3 easy steps to building your self-confidence

We’ve all had those moments — you're feeling great, then something happens, and suddenly your confidence takes a hit. It’s uncomfortable, but those moments can hold valuable insights. Instead of getting stuck in the discomfort, you can ask yourself:What’s this...

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5 ways to empower yourself to move forward in life

5 ways to empower yourself to move forward in life

Recently I had a very interesting conversation with someone who had booked a telephone consultation with me. They shared they have had therapy for years and were fed up  with talking about the same things over and over again. The person said to me: “How do I move...

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How to overcome overwhelm when reality hits you?

How to overcome overwhelm when reality hits you?

At this current time, with the outbreak of covid-19, we are encouraged to distance ourselves from others. This is  for the sake of self-preservation as well as the safety of those around us. Although this may seem like a very logical thing to do, it’s also very...

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The reason why you can’t stop worrying

The reason why you can’t stop worrying

‘What if my relationship falls apart?’… ‘What if I cannot pay off this debt?’… ‘What if my business fails?’ The reasons to worry can seem endless. Social media does not help here as we are constantly bombarded with information  about negative things that are happening...

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How to turn New Year’s resolutions into habits that stick

How to turn New Year’s resolutions into habits that stick

New Year has always been a symbol of new beginnings. You are inspired to write your own New Year’s resolutions to spark positive change, hoping you will remain committed,  even after the festivities wear out. Some people may argue that New Year’s resolutions actually...

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7 actionable tips to beat the winter blues

7 actionable tips to beat the winter blues

As the days get shorter and the nights get darker, it’s no wonder the birds fly South. Season change can’t be denied - slippery pavements , dark mornings and bone-chilling days. Holiday companies  shout about last minute beach getaways encouraging potential customers...

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Is your future paying for your past?

Is your future paying for your past?

Not feeling confident enough? Good enough? Questioning your decisions as you go through the same loops of thought and emotion? Do you often feel like history is  repeating itself and find yourself doubting that things can be different? Maybe you believe that things...

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How to train your brain for success?

How to train your brain for success?

Do you have goals that you struggle to attain? Deadlines that get on top of you as you wait until the last moment to do what’s necessary? Do you think you have been positive about the future and your goals but are still not getting where you’d like to be? Keys to...

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online hypnotherapy and BWRT sessionsNot local? I offer online hypnotherapy and BWRT sessions via Zoom! For more details please click here.